If you have decided that consistent exercise is the way to achieving your weight loss goals, you are on the right track. What you need to think of now is how to draw maximum benefit from your weight loss workout. Here are some tips that will help you focus on the right things, no matter what the specific form of exercise you have chosen.
1. Choose an Exercise you Enjoy
This is very important, if you want to sustain your efforts. Whenever you come across a real miracle of long losing weight story, you will invariably find that the person in question enjoyed their exercise. The idea is that your weight loss workout should be interesting enough to do for its own sake, rather than an obligation. So, if it is a sport you enjoy, focus your efforts around that. If cycling is your thing, join a bike club.
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2. High Intensity, Short Duration
Most people believe that exercise needs to be a long and protracted effort, in order to work as a fat loss workout. The truth is that if you continue exercising when you are already fatigued, you will really not gain much out of it. Higher intensity and shorter duration weight loss workouts are a lot more effective, efficient and even practical as far as time constraints go.
You burn more calories per minute and give your muscles a bigger challenge. This will help your muscles strengthen up faster and give a real boost to your metabolism. The principle of shorter and more intense workouts works for both cardiovascular as well as weight training workouts.
3. Build a Base First
When there is no foundation, a structure will collapse. This applies to your body too. So, before you crank up the intensity with your workouts, make sure you give your body at least a month to adapt to this new challenge. So, if you are starting out with jogging or cycling, the first month should involve moderate to low intensity efforts, which means you shouldn't be getting breathless during the exercise. Similarly, if you are doing any form of weight training, for the first month you should be concentrating on getting the right form rather than lifting any heavy weights.
Gradually build up to a level where your body can handle higher intensity spells. After that, you have a clear passage to your weight loss goals!
4. Not the Same Thing Everyday
A lot of people make this mistake with their weight loss workouts. When your body adapts to a certain workout, it becomes more efficient at it, which means that you burn less calories during the effort and begin to stagnate with your weight loss goals. Keep giving your body new challenges. That is the only way to climb the ladder to fitness and weight loss success. So, rather than doing the same 3 k jog everyday, incorporate bursts of faster runs one day of the week, some uphill running on another day, and some form of strengthening exercises on the weekend.
5. Not Everyday
Exercising everyday can be counterproductive to your fitness and weight loss goals. Rest is crucial for the body. That is when the muscles repair, adapt and grow. Without enough rest, you will expose yourself to injury and physical and mental fatigue, and your fat loss workout will no longer be sustainable. Ideally, you should give your body 1-3 days of complete rest in a week, depending on the kind and intensity of workout you are doing.
With these five tips, rest assured that you will be drawing maximum effectiveness from your weight loss workout.
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